Thursday 20 March 2014

Changes to the narrative

Unfortunately, we have had to make some changes to our narrative. Whilst looking at our footage over and over again and taking into account the feedback we received from our teachers, it was a decision I had to make on behalf of the group as I was the only person present as other members of the group had prior arrangements. It was unfortunate that one of the scenes had to be cut but in order for the continuity of the title sequence to flow, it was vital that the narrative made sense. By keeping this scene in; the title sequence would not have made sense and the narrative would have been confusing for the audience. A our main focus is the audience and how they can relate to the narrative, I felt that by making this decision  our group would benefit and so would the project in terms of pleasing our target audience. This then meant that as we were approaching the deadline; I needed to communicate with my group quickly and make sure that they approved with the decision that I made and ensure that they were happy for me to plan a rough storyboard of a new scene to add onto the end. 

I also felt as I watched our project that the titles became boring and I strongly felt that the audience would be bored when watching it. Our titles originally took up around 40 seconds of the sequence, considering the project is only 2 minutes long; it is clear that the footage did not have much time to engage the audience and graso their attention back afte they had seen the titiles. Through my own decision but with help and feedback from my teachers, I made the choice to put the titles of cinematographer, sound editor, producer, editor on top of the action. At first I did the same with the director but I changed my mind as I did not believe that there was enough tension built when doing this. As we know from our research, the director is considered the most important person involved when creating a film. I felt it was a good idea and both my teachers supported and agreed with my decision, that I should switch back to the white writing on a black background for that final title before the final scene enters the screen.

Overall, I feel the decisions were correct and accurate. They continued to help us build tension within the narrative and I think that the changes will now allow the audience to connect more with the characters and the storyline. I have also made sure that when making these decisions I have not gone against the codes and conventions of our psychological thriller genre. 

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