Wednesday 9 October 2013

Narritive Theory

narrative explores the following conventions;
  • Genre
  • Character
  • Form
  • Time
the plot - the key events
the story - contains information that the audience hasn't been told about
narratemes - helps push the story to move forward; narrative function

Linear structure;
the story having a beginning, middle and end.
beginning - introduction to characters and initial story
middle - growth on the story, more events occur
end - closure 

Open structure;
Doesn't have a definite ending or a sense of closure, includes cliffhangers, lets the audience interpret the story how they want to and think of their own ending so they are happy. "Inception" is a good example of a film with an open structure.

Closed structure;
This has a definite ending and provides a clear conclusion and sense of closure for the audience.

Circular structure;
Often referred to as a "non-linear structure". The narrative begins at the end events (with climax). It's very simple - begins and ends int he same place i.e. same setting, scenery and characters.

Narrative Theorists;

Vladamir Propp

 He focused his narrative theory on characters from fairy tales, heroes and villains mainly. He stated that "narrative is driven by the characters using a set of narrative functions"
Roland Barthes

 He believed that narrative was focused on a set of codes, these codes were the following; action; enigma; semic; symbolic and cultural.

Tzvetan Todarov

He believes that narrative is in the form of a loop. It begins at a state of equilibrium and then goes back to an altered and slightly different state of equilibrium.

Claude Levi-Stauss

Strauss says that narrative is the creation of constant conflicts of binary opposites ( binary opposites - category of semiotics; the study of signs; binary oppositions include the ideas; light and dark / moving and still) also conceptual such a love and hate.

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