Thursday 27 February 2014

Progress within the group

This week we have made a lot of progress within the group, the storyboard has been completed and with help from the teachers within the media department we have been able to take advice from the to add in shots and improve the storyboard that I had completed. 

Luke is currently making the titles for the title sequence, playing around with fonts and sizes and the way they will enter and exit the screen, Luke will also be helping Aman with a precise shot list over the next few days. We are hoping for Luke to be free at the weekend to take part in filming.

Aman is currently working on the script, making it detailed, including what second each character will enter the shot and Aman will also be working with Luke over the next few days to create a precise and detailed shot list so the filming can be worked from the storyboard as well as the shot list. We are hoping Aman will be free at the weekend to take part in filming.

Priyanka and I are currently in the process of filming the first scene, getting various shots so we can decide on the angles we like and see if the character works and we have decided that we want the female to be a woman who goes against stereotypes, she appears to be under the control is a man who we do not see but we hear his voice shouting at her, when towards the end of out opening sequence we see that she is the character in control, it is mine and priyanka's job to ensure that we portray this with our filming.

Over the weekend, I will film the alley way scene, I have signed out a camera and a tripod to make sure that I am equipped to film at the weekend and get a range of shits so as a group we can decide what we like and what we would like to change.  I also need to take some location shots of the alley way I am filming in and the outside of my house as we are using that as a location in our opening scene. There are still a few more props that we need pictures of to post on our blogs which will be posted when completed.

From what I believe, Priyanka, Luke and Aman are going to a train station with a camera and a tripod to attempt to film the second scene which is the longest scene and we are hoping for it to last around 30 seconds. Getting this done, the alley way scene and hopefully the opening scene completed by Monday, next week will be a good week for us to analyse what we have done and what we have left to do. This scene involves both Aman and Luke as actors so it is important for Priyanka to get as many shots as she can so that we can all have a look and decide what pieces to discard and what pieces to use.

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